Always Here For You-Bobby Pin Charm
Rmember You're Amazing-Recital Rose Charm
Baby You're a Star-Bobby Pin Charm
You've Got Rhythm-Tap Charm
PLATED AND BASE METAL: wearing something even just once can tarnish a piece of jewelry. This is not due to low quality of the product. Everything tarnishes except for gold, titanium, and stainless steel. All plated materials have just as much likeliness as raw materials to tarnish, fade, or turn your skin green.
Here are a few tips to keep your charms from tarnishing: Don't wear it in the shower, pool, or ocean and avoid contact with water. Lotions, perfumes, oils, contact with skin and a humid atmosphere can contribute to tarnishing as well. The best way to store your jewelry is inside a small plastic bag, it helps to keep outside atmosphere from tarnishing it. Also, never store your jewelry in the bathroom, the moist air is a breeding ground for tarnishing.
THE FINE PRINT: Tarnished jewelry cannot be accepted for a return or exchange unless otherwise determined by our staff. A store credit only will be issued upon assessment.